Create instant impact with our API and reward direct purchases with verified climate action

Plant trees, sequester carbon, remove plastic from our oceans and fund many more ecological projects with one simple click

If you want your online sales to help boost your
climate impact, this feature is for you!

Enable your customers to help contribute towards your company’s climate goals.

We have two API options available:

At the point of sale, with one click customers can:

  • Offset the footprint of their purchase, helping you reach your Scope Emissions targets;
  • Fund nature-based solutions, such as plastic removal, tree planting and carbon sequestering, which contributes towards your corporate ESG goals.

Seamlessly integrate our API with your activity tracking platform and App, so you can:

  • Reward participation and activities with climate initiatives
  • Increase ticket value by offering nature based bolt-on, increasing the worth of each of your participants
  • Offer Climategames API to your sponsors, enabling you to attract larger sponsor deals


What to learn more and connect to our API?